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Generating sales on the website


Product: jewellery

Service: Google ADS

Niche: e-commerce

Region: United Kingdom

Period of cooperation: 01.04.2021 - 01.08.2021

About the client:

The client is a company supplying some of the best jewellery on the market for over 40 years, located in the UK and with multiple shops.

Project objectives: 

Generate sales on the website.


After analysing the site's offer, Shopping and Search sales campaigns were created with a breakdown of the site's categories. The client has many product categories: rings, earrings, chains, necklaces and so on (the worst selling categories were later excluded). A Pmax campaign was also created to attract traffic to the site, a group that was used in the Shopping campaign for remarketing.

Campaign results from Sales - Shopping for the period 01.04.2021 to 01.08.2021:

Campaign results from Sales - Search for the period 01.04.2021 to 01.08.2021:

Traffic campaign results for the period 01.04.2021 to 01.08.2021:


Unfortunately, the client did not give permission to publish revenue figures, but revenue has increased sixfold in the Google ADS channel since the partnership began.

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