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Lobster House

Generating leads on the website

Lobster House


Product: table/event reservations 

Service - Facebook ADS

Niche: Food/Drinks

Region: Warsaw

Period of cooperation: 01.01.2023 - currently

About the client:

Seafood restaurant located in the center of Warsaw.

Project goals: 

Develop a restaurant promotion strategy where certain KPIs (not likes, views, etc.) can be measured, preferably revenue.  Implementation of the strategy and reporting of results.


After consultation, 2 main KPIs were adopted for Facebook ADS advertising - generating leads by phone with table reservations and signing up for restaurant events.

In terms of revenue, there were two options to choose from: either advertising with a discount code, after which the restaurant can check if a customer came from the ad, or self-tracking results using a separate phone number specifically for paid advertising (there could also be an option with calltracking, but it causes additional costs), after which the client could calculate revenue from such customers on its own. There was a second option adopted.

 Results of campaigns for lead generation (warsaw_leads_calls) and events (warsaw_engagement_event) for the period 01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023:


  • Generated more than 1,000 leads (table reservations) for restaurants (average of USD 7,6 per lead).

  • Generated more than 2,500 sign-ups for restaurant events (average of PLN 4,42 per lead).

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