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  • Writer's pictureVladyslav Lebedynets

Advertising healthcare services in Google Ads and Meta (formerly Facebook) Ads: rules for the EU

Advertising medical services online is a rather delicate topic that requires special attention and moderation. In today's world, where customers and companies are increasingly interacting online, the promotion of medical services is becoming increasingly popular among various medical institutions.

To help launch this type of advertising quickly and effectively, in this article I have compiled the main rules, requirements and restrictions for advertisers on Google Ads and Meta (formerly Facebook) Ads platforms. In addition, I will consider healthcare advertising in the context of the European Union.

1 The basic rules for advertising healthcare services on Google Ads and Meta Ads.

2. the rules for advertising healthcare services in the EU.

3. certification of advertising of medical services and goods.

4. Regulation of advertising of medical services and goods in the EU.

5. Recommendations for effective advertising of medical services.

Basic principles of advertising healthcare services in Google Ads and Meta Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads cares about its users and therefore has a specific policy on which medical products and services can be advertised on its platform and which cannot.

In general, the rules for advertising medical services in search campaigns and contextual media networks depend on the advertiser's target country and its legislation. However, there are still categories of goods and services prohibited from advertising that apply to all advertisers:

- drugs and supplements that are not approved by law or Google, including 4-ADs, APLs and other substances (see Google Help for a full list);

- drugs/supplements for weight loss

- medicines containing ephedra

- drugs containing anabolic steroids;

- products that are considered to be as effective as prescription drugs;

- products whose names may be confused with those of banned pharmaceuticals;

- products that are not approved by law but are advertised as safe for use.

All other advertising campaigns for medical services and products are carefully screened by the platform for inappropriate content. Ad text as well as keywords, landing pages and website source code are moderated. Some medical products and services may also only be displayed in certain countries after undergoing special certification. The list of restricted medical services includes, for example

- abortion

- contraception

- addiction rehabilitation services;

- HIV testing equipment for home use;

- health insurance;

- CBD products;

- participation in clinical trials, experimental therapies, gene therapy, etc.

Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products (prescription, over-the-counter and bulk) must also be certified. They are also not allowed to advertise in all countries.

For example, online pharmacies can only advertise their websites in 23 countries, including Austria, Germany and Portugal (see the full list in Google Help), while this is prohibited in all other countries.

Meta Ads

In Meta Ads, advertising of medical services also depends on the legislation of the country concerned, but it is a more 'loyal' platform in terms of restrictions. However, it also has a list of medical goods and services that are prohibited from being advertised, such as

- opposition to vaccination;

- unrealistic health outcomes, weight loss, etc;

- anabolic steroids

- chitosan

- medicines containing ephedra

- dehydroepiandrosterone

- growth hormones

- illegal and recreational drugs and other dangerous substances/supplements;

- the sale of human organs and biological fluids.

In addition, there is also controversial content. These are considered to be health or appearance-related products that cause users to have a negative perception of their own appearance. Meta Ads prohibit the promotion of unhealthy attitudes towards one's body, appearance, food or physical activity. A more detailed list of ad bans can be found in our help.

There is also content with restrictions, for example

- cosmetic treatments/operations and medical services/weight loss products;

- online pharmacies;

- prescription drugs;

- alcohol and drug treatment;

- CDD and related products.

This type of content may be advertised with written approval from Meta and a LegitScript certificate, which I will also discuss in the "Documents and Certificates for Advertising Medical Services" section. In addition, these types of medical services will only be displayed in countries where regulations permit, and to audiences over the age of 18.

Rules on advertising of medical services in the EU

So I will explain with the example of Portugal. In Portugal, advertising is regulated by state law, which is similar to other EU countries. Advertising that contains:

- Encouraging behaviour that is detrimental to the health and safety of the consumer, namely through insufficient information about the risks of the product or the propensity for accidents as a result of its use.

- Images of a sexual nature (naked body, etc.) and life-threatening situations for the user.

- Prescription medicines, except when advertising to doctors and other health professionals, scientific articles, etc.

- Statements creating fear and panic of becoming ill or deteriorating health due to not using the advertised products, etc.

- Advertising of online pharmacies and over-the-counter medicines is also permitted.

As for comparative advertising, it is allowed in Portugal, but under the following conditions:

- it provides truthful information about goods and services;

- it compares goods or services that meet the same needs or have the same objectives;

- objectively compares one or more characteristics of those goods or services, which may include price;

- does not disparage or discredit the brands, trade names, goods or services of competitors;

- is not an imitation of a competitor's goods or services.

For a full list of the terms of the Advertising Act, see the Portuguese Advertising Code -

Regulation of healthcare advertising in the EU

In addition to national regulations, certifications and Google and Meta rules, advertising of healthcare services and products in the EU is also affected by two regulatory frameworks:

RODO - General Data Protection Regulation;

AVMSD - Audiovisual Media Services Directive.


The General Data Protection Regulation is part of EU legislation and was approved in 2018.

The document aims to provide European Union citizens with control and protection of their personal data and to harmonise the rules for the collection, processing and transfer of such information. The regulation applies to all organisations that collect and process citizens' data, regardless of where they are located.

In the context of advertising healthcare services, organisations running advertising campaigns in the EU must comply with the principles of the RODO regarding the processing of their customers' personal data and ensure that all information collected is protected. The full text of the regulation is available on the website.


The Audiovisual Media Services Directive is an EU regulation that controls audiovisual services in Europe, such as television broadcasts, video, audio and other audiovisual media.

The AVMSD contains restrictions and rules on the amount and types of advertising material that can be displayed on audiovisual platforms.

For example, the Directive may restrict the advertising of medical services during certain hours of the day. In addition, it may also contain rules on compliance with ethical standards: for example, advertisements should not contain any incitement to hatred/discrimination based on race, gender, religion or nationality.

It is worth noting that both regulations aim to protect consumer rights and ensure that advertising practices comply with EU law. Therefore, advertisers who advertise healthcare services in the European Union must comply with the requirements of both to ensure effective and legal advertising activities.

Recommendations for effective advertising in the healthcare sector

Effective healthcare advertising requires responsibility, sensitivity and attention to detail. To this end, the following aspects are required:

1. compliance with the rules of the advertising platforms is the main principle of any successful advertising campaign. If your company deals with healthcare services, you must carefully read the rules for advertising this type of content and make sure you comply with them, otherwise you risk being banned and having your advertising account removed.

2. trust and reputation: advertising content should be accurate and should not contain manipulative or unrealistic claims. It is advisable to avoid empty and "clickbait" promises about "-10 kg in a week" and, if possible, support the ad with real customer reviews.

3 Target group. It is necessary to define a specific target group (adults are recommended) so that the advertising reaches people who are interested in medical services and can make informed and thoughtful decisions about their health and appearance.

4 Ethical approach: it is important to act ethically when it comes to advertising healthcare services. Content that may trigger self-esteem, panic or other negative emotions in users should be avoided. Healthcare advertisements should be gentle and promote trust.


1 Advertising medical services and goods online is a delicate subject that requires special attention and moderation. Google Ads and Meta Ads have their own rules and restrictions for advertisers.

(2) The following categories of goods and services are prohibited to advertise in Google Ads and Meta Ads, such as unapproved medicines, weight loss products, anabolic steroids, etc. All other medical services and products must be certified by the advertising platform and in some cases by LegitScript.

(3) The general recommendation for effective advertising of medical services is to comply with the rules and regulations of the country, and to be sensitive and ethical. Advertisers should put the safety of their customers first, avoid manipulative claims and promote trust and awareness among users.

In addition:

Is it possible to start advertising medical services without first obtaining the necessary certificates and authorisations?

Yes, but this is done at the advertiser's own risk: Google and Meta Ads take care of their users and immediately remove such ads and even block accounts that do not have the necessary authorisations.

What images should be used to advertise medical services?

It is recommended that you do not use images of the naked body / naked body parts, as this is classified as sexual content. It is also advisable not to show 'before/after' images, as this can negatively affect users' self-esteem or create unrealistic expectations about the procedure or product.

The most ethical option would be to publish professional photos of medical professionals or, for example, satisfied patients.

Can I publish fundraising ads in Google Ads?

This type of ad can only be published on behalf of a politician, political party or charity that is exempt from paying taxes. Please refer to Google's help for more information.

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