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  • Writer's pictureVladyslav Lebedynets

Blocked Facebook ad account – how to deal with it?

Blocked Facebook ad account – do you know this problem? Don't worry, all is not lost! Although recovering your account is not the easiest thing, it can be done. Today I will show you how to do this.

What is a Facebook ad account block?

At the beginning, we must answer the question of what this blocking of an advertising account actually is. This is not as clear-cut as it may seem.

What kind of lock can you get?

Facebook can impose blocks on your ad account not only by stopping it completely. Here are the three most common causes:

- Rejected ad on Facebook Ads

- Blocked Facebook Ads advertising account

- Ad account block for a private Facebook profile

Rejected ad on Facebook Ads

Every Facebook ad must go through a verification process before it is published. How does he look like? Facebook's algorithms evaluate your ads according to various criteria and check whether they violate the regulations.

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that the algorithm evaluates your ad negatively.

What to do if your ad is rejected?

Your ad was rejected, but you don't think it breaks any rules?

The simplest and most obvious move in this case is to ask to re-verify your ad account. After all, an algorithm is an algorithm and it tends to make mistakes. When you ask for verification again, this time it will most likely be handled by a physical Facebook employee. So if there was indeed a misjudgment the first time, the issue should be resolved at that point, allowing you to advertise.

What if the ad failed to be unblocked after re-verification? Then you probably already know why it was rejected and all you have to do is edit it.

Blocked Facebook Ads advertising account

Let's face it - this is a bigger problem than rejecting a single ad.

When you have a given ad account blocked, you can't do anything with it. Neither change anything nor launch a new campaign. You only have access to statistics, and all other functions are simply blocked.

Why might my ad account be blocked?

There are two most likely answers to this question.

First of all, this can happen if you do not follow the advertising rules and break them regularly.

If your ads are frequently rejected due to non-compliance with their terms and conditions, Facebook will eventually take care of your entire account. And in this case, it will most likely simply block them and you will not be able to create ads.

Secondly, it may happen that your account has been… blocked accidentally.

As I said, Facebook's algorithms can be wrong. And they are updated frequently. Therefore, a situation may arise that, for example, under the pretext of detecting suspicious activity, your account will be banned. Even if no such activity actually took place.

And speaking of suspicious activity, this may also be a real reason for blocking your ad account. This applies to cases where you are logging into Ads Manager from a new device or from a location in another country. Then, out of concern for your safety, Facebook may also give you a blocked advertising account.

Blocked Facebook Ads advertising account – can I appeal?

It is possible, and even advisable. If an ad account is blocked, there are more ways out than in the case of a single ad. Not only can you appeal the decision, but you can also take advantage of other options.

But more on that later. For now, let's focus on one more worst-case scenario.

Ad account block for private profile

This type of blockage is probably the most painful and most noticeable for the user.

To clarify - in the event of such a block, your private account will still have private functions available. However, it is different in the case of business ones.

In such a situation, you will not have any access to your advertising account.

Why does Facebook block private accounts?

I'm sure it won't surprise you, but in most cases it's about breaking the rules on a regular basis. Especially when several ad accounts are involved.

If your ads are consistently rejected, unfortunately Facebook won't like you very much. And you must remember that he is watching over you. Even if, after blocking your ad account, you open another one and do not change your behavior.

This is another reason for blocking private accounts. If your Facebook ad accounts are frequently banned, your private ones will be banned over time as well.

How to unblock a Facebook advertising account?

Fortunately, there are several options to recover our advertising account in the event of a block. As I mentioned earlier, the range is quite wide here.

See what traffic you're entitled to when your ad account is blocked.

Appeal against the decision to Facebook

As in the case of rejecting advertising, this is the first tool we should use.

And I have good news for you here. If your ad account was blocked accidentally, it will most likely be unblocked after you appeal the decision. A Facebook employee will then handle the matter and in the event of an algorithm error, they will simply restore access to your account. Well, unless he commits something himself. But in this case, the chance of this happening is very small.

But what if?

Then… Appeal again. If you get a negative answer on your first attempt, it does not mean that the case is closed and lost. In fact, if you have a really difficult situation, time and patience, you can appeal over and over again.

Well, I hope that if you are forced to do it, this one attempt will be enough.

Contact Facebook support

Did I mention time and patience? That's great. Don't forget about them, because you also need to arm yourself with them when contacting Facebook support.

This is usually how it works, and it's no different when your ad account is blocked.

Once you manage to contact the support employee, you can describe the situation in detail. This, of course, may not necessarily help right away. First, you will probably find out that this guy is not responsible for managing access to advertising accounts. However, the case will then be forwarded to the appropriate department on your behalf. And there is a chance that this will help solve the problem.

Good advice - check the help center to see if a chat option with a support employee is currently available.

Creating a new advertising account/profile

It may sound a bit trivial, but as a last resort, you can always... create a new ad account. Simply.

Theoretically, if you block an advertising account, you also have no option to create a new one. However, if you are desperate, you can bypass it and create an account using another private profile.

However, remember - there is always a possibility that Facebook will ask you to verify your account. Therefore, there is no point in fighting the system and creating fakes. If you must, create a private account with your real data.

You're probably thinking, "Hey, I already confirmed my identity on my previous account!" However, there is an option to undo it. You will find it here in Facebook settings.

How to avoid blocking ad accounts?

Ok, I've already explained to you what to do if Facebook has blocked your ad account. However, it is worth considering what to do to prevent this from happening at all.

So I have a few tips for you that will help protect you from an unpleasant situation and the prospect of a blocked ad account.

Be careful in your communication

This is a basic point, because many ads are blocked due to inappropriate and careless communication. What does it include?

For example, referencing the user directly.

It comes down to the extremely detailed targeting possibilities that Facebook itself gives us. We know a lot about users. However, it is important to use this information appropriately.

It would certainly not be such a move to refer to the user's private situation and his/her characteristics (which in itself is prohibited) in the advertising text. For example, "You're pregnant. See how you should eat." You have to admit that – to put it mildly – it doesn't sound good.

Instead, it can be expressed with a simple slogan like "5 best diets for pregnant women." And there is nothing here that is against the regulations.

Do not promise

You also need to be careful when talking about the features of the service.

Let's assume that you sell dietary supplements and in one of your advertisements you directly tell the customer, for example, "Thanks to our product, you will lose weight." The recipient, of course, encouraged by the prospect, buys the product, but for some reason he fails to achieve what we promised him. And, needless to say, we don't do very well because it turns out we simply cheated someone.

As if that wasn't enough, Facebook itself takes an unfavorable approach to such matters. “Magic” promises and misleading the customer are, of course, contrary to the rules of advertising.

In such situations, instead of promises, it is much safer to inform the customer that "Our dietary supplement will help you lose weight." We do not commit ourselves to the fact that our product will magically change the recipient's figure, but we subliminally make him understand that simply using it will not be enough and that he must contribute something of his own.

Appropriate preparation of advertising text is nothing more than skillful use of the language of benefits. This is a very important skill for every marketer, and I wrote more about it in a separate article.

Don't replace text with emojis

Do you sometimes like to replace some phrases with emoticons to add variety to your text? Like this way?

example - how to block a facebook advertising account

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't like them.

If you use this method in your ads, they may be considered by Facebook not only as unreadable, but also as an attempt to circumvent ad verification systems. And unfortunately, this may be enough to reject your ad.

Therefore, even if you like this form in your advertising texts, it is better to wean yourself from it.

Avoid photos showing physicality

Do you remember those photos of idealized bodies after training, preferably with the effects of great light to emphasize the sculpted figure?

Then be sure to forget about them in the context of advertising. And in general, it is best to avoid photos depicting physicality.


First of all, the recipients don't like them. Seeing such photos of impressive figures, they may feel overwhelmed or even discouraged from our offer.

Facebook's advertising system doesn't like them either. It is better to present advertising in a realistic way, or at least closer to realism. Idealism does not pay and may be punished by the algorithm by rejecting the ad.

On the other side of the extreme - creating anti-patterns, also in the case of silhouettes, will not improve the situation at all. Therefore, there is no point in taking risks and it is much safer to simply skip photos showing physicality.

Take care of your Business Manager's security

Apart from the tips on ads and their texts, you also need to focus on the security of the ads manager itself, which may also cause system problems. So what should you do about this?

It's definitely a good idea to use two-factor authentication. This will significantly improve account verification and security, and will also allow you to confirm your identity. So make sure that each account administrator has this option enabled.

For example, it is also necessary to control the role assigned to each user of our advertising account. Is this the account administrator? Or maybe an advertiser? Keep an eye on this issue and increase the quality of your account and its security.

Blocked Facebook ad account – summary

As you can see, a blocked Facebook ad account doesn't have to mean a tragedy. It may even be the result of a simple coincidence.

Now you know the types of blocks that can be imposed by Facebook, but you also know how to unblock such an ad account if necessary. You also learned tips on what to do to avoid blocking.

I hope that thanks to this text, the problem of a blocked ad account will no longer concern you. And even if it is, it will be solved quickly and efficiently.

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