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  • Writer's pictureVladyslav Lebedynets

How to effectively run advertising campaigns on Facebook

Facebook is one of the two main advertising platforms in Poland for performance advertisers. By following this guide, you will get maximum results from your Facebook campaign.

Technical preparation

Start by properly configuring event tracking. It sounds trivial, but a lot of people have problems with the technical configuration of the pixel or individual conversions. Often it is backtracking, missing micro conversions or incorrect revenue values.

Let's now consider the strategic basics of choosing the right conversions to track.

What to follow on the websites?

Immediately define micro and macro conversions on the website that signify major user actions.

If possible, use standard FB events. Because it collects a huge amount of data about the target audience. The algorithm understands which users buy online, and which are willing to leave the application on the site and finalize the purchase over the phone. In this way, we marketers can also help Facebook find the right audience for us.

These actions can be:

- clicking the purchase button

- adding a product to the shopping cart

- successfully submitting a lead form;

- clicking the "Show Number" button;

- specific time spent on a landing page.

- Visits to specific pages:

- product card;

- shopping cart page;

- contact page.

The main principle that should guide the selection of events for a micro-conversion is that the event should speak to the user's higher probability of conversion. Create several scenarios for the user's path to purchase, identify key points. These will be your micro-conversions.

As a rule, 1-2 micro-targets are used, except for the main one. However, it's better to set up tracking of all important events so that you don't have to return to this issue in the future.

Next, you can configure your main target - a transaction or a potential customer form submission.

The next step is to configure Facebook attribution. This will allow you to evaluate Facebook interactions with other sources when analyzing your ad campaigns and get data on conversions on different devices.

But only if you invest in branded outreach campaigns that work at the highest levels of the funnel (See, Think). It also makes sense if your business website is already collecting data. If your RC goal is sales and leads, and your FB budget is $3-5k, it doesn't make sense to customize your campaign.

How to track on iOS14?

As a reminder, with iOS 14 Apple introduced new requirements for protecting user data. Now all owners of devices running IOS 14 or later when opening mobile apps can consent or refuse to provide their data to analytics systems.

If the user consents, everything will remain as it was before. If the user refuses, he or she will become "invisible" to analytics, pixels and it will be impossible to segment by demographics, interests and other impersonal user parameters.

However, don't fret right away: conversions made on the site by such users are recorded, but they are generalized data that Apple will pass on to analytics systems with a delay of up to 72 hours. Therefore, if you have a conversion window of 7 days after a click and in the first 6 days you don't see 50 conversions per week per ad group, don't rush to disable the group, wait until the conversions are transferred to your account.

How to prepare your website and Facebook tracking

1. you need to verify your domain in the business manager (you can have multiple domains here).

2. now for one pixel there will be a limit of 8 conversions per domain (not pixel). This means that if you have multiple pixels in the same domain, they can have no more than 8 events in total.

3 We need to prioritize the events:

If you have an online store, the highest priority is to buy, and the lowest priority is to view the product card:

Why do we need to prioritize events? Because users who have not consented to data transmission are invisible, Apple will record all their conversions, but send only one. The one that has the highest priority on the priority list.

For example, a user looked at a product card, added a product to the shopping cart and made a purchase. Since the purchase has the highest priority, the pixel will receive aggregated data only about the purchase, the other goals (viewing the card and adding to cart) will not be included in the statistics.

Yes, this creates a lot of inconvenience for all advertisers in all systems, but we just have to accept this change.

Strategy for working with conversion campaigns

Setting up conversion campaigns

Now that tracking is set up and analytics are working, we can start setting up conversion ad campaigns. Types of online conversions include:

1. pixel event conversion campaigns.

2. catalog sales.

3. Offline point-of-sale visits.

After setting up the campaign, you should immediately choose the appropriate conversion rate for optimization. The main condition is that if you have a budget set at the campaign level, you need 50 conversions per week. Or 50 conversions per week at the group level if your budget is at the ad group level. At 50 conversions per week at the campaign level, Facebook itself will start limiting those that potentially don't pass the learning period.

Ideally, you want to get the top 50 conversions: sales forms or leads.

If not, then 50 conversions per week:

1. you need to go one level higher in the funnel. For example, optimize not by purchase, but by add-to-cart events.

The budget at the campaign level is used so that FB's smart algorithm distributes the budget itself among the groups and in real time passes the budget to the group that brings the best quantitative (number of leads) or qualitative (CPL) result. If you want to run a test for 10-15 ad groups with a budget of $30 (not putting in $2-3 per group), we recommend running RC with a campaign-level budget and then looking at the effectiveness and number of conversions. But if the entire RC gets 50 conversions, the groups still won't get out of the learning phase.

2 Select the next conversion up the funnel. If you reach 50 sales, select "Adds to cart."

If there are no stats or very few users, there is a third option - launch a traffic campaign on the target audience.

This collects remarketing lists on which we can run a conversion campaign in the future. We also collect event statistics and wait until our events start collecting at least 50 conversions per week.

How do we realize it's time to switch to conversion campaigns?

- By waiting to collect statistics and 50 right conversions per week.

Gather remarketing lists - at least 1,000 users in your audience.

- The second option is that once you have 1,000 people in your remarketing group, you launch, in addition to traffic, a conversion campaign that will close sales in your funnel.

Important: don't run traffic and conversion campaigns in parallel for the same audience, because the traffic campaign will take over all users, which may result in poor performance of the conversion campaign.

Examples of creating and launching campaigns

For the shoe sales niche

So, we have a small shoe manufacturer who sells 30 pairs of products per week through an online store.

It's a mistake to set the conversion rate on the "Purchase" optimization, because there won't be enough data for the system. So we take the previous "Add to Cart" event and put the optimization on it. Then we can

Gather a remarketing group of people who were on the site but didn't buy anything and target them with the purchase optimization. Yes, there still may not be enough conversions, but the audience is the warmest and the signals from them are important.

Let your campaigns train and collect statistics that will attract to the site those who are more likely to add a product to the cart and make a purchase.

For a clothing store

A large clothing store chain that has many offline stores and a lot of online traffic. Thousands of purchases are made on the site every day.

Here the remarketing story replicates the previous example. Since there is a lot of data to optimize, we can safely run conversion campaigns on cold audiences and get our purchases.

Important: run with remarketing audiences excluded to avoid audience overlap.

What else can a fashion retailer do to evaluate the contribution of a source on Facebook? Send offline conversions. This way, we can track not only online activity, but also how our online ads affect offline activity.

Important: offline conversions are not taken into account when optimizing conversion campaigns, they are included in ad cabinet reports as additional data to understand the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of offline ad campaigns.

Difficulties that may arise

Few conversions.

Increase the daily budget. If there are very few conversions, try changing the optimization from sales to an earlier conversion in the sales funnel. For example, to start placing an order.

Also, to improve results (more sales, lower CPA), you can and should experiment with channel grouping.


Your margin is 15%.

Goods in the store priced from 100 to 500 PLN.

CPA - 20 PLN.

If the campaign sells only goods priced at 100 PLN, it is not profitable.

If the price is higher than 150 PLN, it will be profitable.

You can filter the higher price/margin goods in the channel and advertise only them. For example, don't display goods cheaper than 150 PLN.

You can also group products by product category, so that only products from the same category are displayed in one product carousel.

In the case of a clothing store, you can group products by color, so that one ad displays only yellow sweaters, another red shirts.

The options for grouping products are unlimited.

If your project is not an online store with a catalog of goods, and your product is a service, a lead generation campaign may be a good solution.

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